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Prenatal Care

The delicate structure of a woman creating life needs to be of greatest importance. Our doctors are specially trained in the WEBSTER Technique to evaluate and adjust the spine and adapting pelvis structure. This will allow a pregnant mommy to adapt best and feel amazing throughout the greatest time in her life. Your birthing goals are as important to us as they are to you. 

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Postpartum Care

You're amazing! Now that you have successfully birthed your bundle of joy, our doctors can assist your incredible body to learn and embrace it's new shape and abilities. It's vital to have your spine and pelvis assessed soon after birth to allow your spine's foundation to be as stable as possible!

Infant Care

With additional ethics, technique, assessment and adjusting hours, Dr. Sarah and Dr. Katelynn can help your little one thrive. With the amount of pressure you'd use to check if a tomato is ripe, is the same amount of pressure to adjust the fragile spines of infants. They are also proficient in the Activator technique- another tool to use in the adjustment of infant's joints. ADD/ADHD, acid reflux. colic, constipation, ear infections are just a few conditions chiropractic is scientifically proven to help! And YES, they both have training in the Craniosacral Technique.

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Pediatric Care

The developing spinal curvatures in our rapidly growing children are of top priority here at Barker Chiropractic. With or without concerns, getting your studious and athletic kiddos adjusted will give you confidence knowing their nervous systems will not suffer, just thrive. 


Moms, dads, grandmas, papas, aunts, uncles- It's most important to us to build healthy FAMILIES, not just individuals.

We always have family appointments available! Reach out to us below!

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DID YOU KNOW- 95% of our sweet babes are born with a spinal misalignment and in MANY cases, these misalignments can effect LATCHING? Our doctors can help! Easing tension in your newborn's neck and jaw and then assessing the cranium and upper palate are key to the success of breastfeeding then weight gain and digestion and SO MUCH MORE.

Chiropractic Techniques We Use & Love! 


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